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Testimonials & Reviews
I started trading 5 months ago. It started off very well with many wins until I lost all my gains and exhausted my reserves. My friend told me to connect with Jason, and I immediately signed up for the mentorship program to get extra attention and an understanding of how options worked. What I learned in 2 weeks is what might take people years to learn. Jason is patient, uses different analogies to make sure you are retaining the information, and has a sharp eye when it comes to finding the best strategic positions that payout. I got to learn how to look for the news, what makes the stocks move, and most importantly, how to read charts. I learned no matter the stock, it's all about the technicals. What you will learn will have a huge impact on the way you look at trading. I found my passion and plan on becoming a professional trader now, thanks to Jason.
-ZaidJason is the best, most humble guy. Always thought trading was just buying shares and holding. I was wrong. Imagine buying 100 shares of a stock at $150 a share for a total of $15,000. Now say that stock moves $5. Yay, I made $500. Well in this chat u can spend 25% of the $15,000 and make 3 times the profit on a $5 move. Mind-blowing. And the best part is that sometimes it's the same day, overtime, or in a week, rather than buying and holding the stock for a month waiting for it to move. This is the discord that not only pays for itself in 1 trade. You learn at the same time. Knowing why you profited is as important as profiting because when u learn how to do something, it's yours to learn forever. Thank you so much Paper Gains!
-StackzWGPaper Gains community is a total hidden gem! Really humble and knowledgeable group of people that truly cares to helps each other become better traders/investors, unlike some groups I’ve been a part of that just hates and bickers all day. I’ve invited all my family members and all have learned a lot while making some nice gains. Thank you Jason and team!
-LizzyWas it worth it? I definitely can say it was worth every penny. The resources, the knowledge, and the community that this group provides are beyond any price tag. I've learned so much from hanging out and trading these past couple of months, I can honestly say I've become a much better trader.
-nXjI started trading right before COVID hit, along with a surge of new traders. Naturally, I looked into finding a trading group that could help me elevate my game. Within a year I was in 5 different trading groups, which all felt like a scam since the people running the group were making more money from their subscribers than their actual trades. Thankfully, I found Jason who finally helped me feel like I wasn't just gambling in the stock market. I never thought I would get the opportunity to learn so closely from such an experienced trader! With the help of Paper Gains and the welcoming community, I have finally found a trading group that feels like home!
-CaseyThe Paper Gains chat has to be one of the most well-organized trading groups I've ever been in, if not the best. Everyone is here to achieve a common goal, you don't only get to make a ton of money but also get a high-quality education that will cover everything you need to become a successful trader. The chat includes all types of trading; options, crypto, forex, etc. You will meet the beginners all the way up to the professional traders with 20+ years of trading experience; yet not one member feels any less than the other and that's all from the level of support that's provided by Paper Gains and other members, which truly separates this chat from any others.
-Samer Mustaklim (Habibi)Papergains has by far been the best Discord I've ever been a part of. The guidance and knowledge I've received from several pro traders in the chat has been absolutely priceless. I started trading options over a year ago and though I’ve been quite successful, Jason has helped me mitigate risk in all my positions. It’s one thing to make money, but it’s another to keep it and compound it. I can proudly say I’ve truly leveled up since joining this chat with hopes of becoming a pro someday soon.
-IgniteCEOAs a person who is completely new to the trading game, I find this group to be informative & welcoming. The many videos spanning all aspects of trading & crypto can satisfy my deepest curiosity. The eclectic mix of long term pro traders & other fresh traders like me is also comforting. All in all, I can see the universal utility in the Paper Gains group.
-swordsI have been in many trading groups over the years, but none quite as professional as this group. There is no guessing when it comes to the trades we take. Every move is a calculated risk. Jason (PaperGains) is a master of his craft, and the coaching is second to none. I have been trading for several years, and Jason has opened my eyes to a whole new style of trading. Do you want to learn how to be a real pro and stop guessing with your trades? This is the spot.
I don’t want this to come off as a sad story, but this is my truth. So here we go. I was born with a physical disability that puts me in constant pain and prevents me from performing regular day-to-day activities. I walk with crutches, can’t stand for too long, etc. etc. And no there is no cure for it. I’ve had doctors from all around the world review my case and they all responded the same way, “At the moment there is nothing we can do. Please update us about you condition so we can take notes for future reference.” Now for the good part of this story. Due to all of that, I can’t have regular jobs. And believe me, I have tried. You’d be surprised by how little people are willing to compromise in a corporate environment. So I decided to learn skill that can help me make money. Trading was something I was curious about for a while so I decided to take that on. So for the past year, I have been consuming hours and hours of content on YouTube, joining 7 different discord and asking questions from the analysts etc. Hoping that I can find that magic indicator that would make me my first $10,000. So I made $6000 in a month and lost $7000 quicker than I made it. Lol. I was following analysts blindly, my charts looked absolutely nuts! I had 12 indicators, and continued losing money. Then I came across papergains discord. I was like what the hell, this will be my last try before I quit this whole thing. By the grace of God, this was all a blessing that this server became my last shot at trading. Thanks to @Expo Jesse , @PaperProphet , and @stephen_von answering all my questions, the webinars that PaperGains hosted, and the free YouTube videos they have posted, I finally have a strategy that has shown promise. I realized how much noise there is out there for beginner traders like myself and this is definitely the environment that we need to be in and learn from the material they provide. God willing, this is my first step in my journey to be able to do this full time so I can focus on my health a bit more in the near future.